ND Learning Center To Support Community's Needs

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and schools look to resume instruction in a few short weeks, the Door County YMCA has been diligently working to determine how we can best support working families' needs during the upcoming school year. If Gibraltar Schools proceeds to start the year in an entirely virtual/remote-learning format, we will be instituting a learning support center for a limited (due to social distancing and other factors) number of students ages 7-12 at our Northern Door Center in Fish Creek.
The learning center is an in-person program with the goal of providing support to students who are e-learning through the school district. The Northern Door Learning Center will be here to support your child's virtual learning and keep them safe, active and engaged throughout the school day.
The center will provide full-day (non-licensed) care from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm and will be available Monday through Friday. During the day, students will receive academic support, social enrichment opportunities and physical fitness activities - all of which are critical to their ongoing mental, emotional and intellectual development.
Dedicated academic support will be available to ensure students complete their virtual learning. Students will be in a small group of no more than 12 and will be supervised by Y staff at all times. Wi-Fi use will be provided. Parents and students will need to supply their children with their own device (laptop, tablet, etc.), any supplies or materials needed and headphones.
Learning Center Information:
- Cost: $125 per week for Y members; $150 per week for the general public
- Dates: the program begins September 8 and will continue until Gibraltar Schools resume in-person instruction.
Contact Northern Door Youth Director Lee McConkey for additional information at 920.868.3660 or by email (lmcconkey@doorcountyymca.org).