Current Employment Opportunities




To learn more about specific openings and what they entail, click the position to open a detailed job description.  Once you're ready to make a difference and apply, apply online or download a hard copy application to return to either program center.


Full-time and Part-time Benefits-Generating Positions

Lifeguard  • Sturgeon Bay

Wellness Center Coordinator  • Kane Center

Wellness Center Coordinator • Sturgeon Bay


Part-time Positions

Dance Instructor  •   Kane Center

Housekeeping  •   Kane Center  

Group Exercise Instructor  •   Kane Center  |  Sturgeon Bay

Gymnastics Instructor  •   Sturgeon Bay

Kid Care  •   Kane Center  

Lifeguard  •   Kane Center  |  Sturgeon Bay

Martial Arts Instructor  •   Kane Center  |  Sturgeon Bay

Personal Trainer  •   Kane Center  |  Sturgeon Bay 

Summer Foods Associate • Sturgeon Bay

Summer Camp Counselor • Kane Center | Sturgeon Bay

Swim Lesson Instructor  •   Kane Center  |  Sturgeon Bay

Welcome Center Associate  •   Kane Center